
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Good News from Will Kassulke

Back in April, classmate Will "Kaz" Kassulke, informed several of us that he had been diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer last December.  He commented at that time that "the chemo seems to be successful in slowing any dramatic advancement.  The treatments, however, drain me of much of my energy."

This past week, Kaz informed me of his current situation (and gave me permission to pass this information along to the Class of '59 via this means).  Kaz writes:

"Yesterday [July 9] I had a new stent put in my bile duct because the one they put in 7 months ago was having blockage.  They had told us when they put the first one in that it may only last one to six months.   Since several recent cat scans showed that my tumors were shrinking, the doctor who did the procedure told me afterwards, 'See you in another six or seven months'.  Really more energy is coming back and my afternoon naps are becoming shorter.  Also I am now able to walk the hills in our subdivision in the morning instead of just walking a few level streets.  This all makes for some good news that I felt I had to share with you.  Many, many thanks for all your prayers and well wishes in our behalf!"

Praise God for God's goodness to our brother.  You may contact "Kaz" by clicking on his name in the first paragraph.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Mini-Reunion in The Falls

[Back] Joel Ambelang, Don Hasse, Bob Burke, Dave Albertin, Dave Mueller, Pat and Tom Truebenbach
[Front] Peggy Hasse, Margaret Burke, Fran Albertin, July Mueller   (click on picture to see a larger image)

The weather was warm and sunny on June 26 in Sheboygan Falls.  There was a slight breeze blowing.  The brats and burgers were tasty (as were the pasta and fruit salads that Peggy Hasse made).  The beer and soda was cold.  The conversation was lively, varied, and reminiscent of our days on the campus at 33rd and State in Milwaukee.  The bonds of friendship, forged as early as 1953 when we were all Sexties, only became stronger.  

It doesn't seem like it's 51 years since we graduated from junior college (57 years since we started high school), but the years continue to carry us along, like "an ever rolling stream."  And, as the years continue, we also hope to "keep the conversation going," for as long as there is a handful of classmates who want to get together for a short weekend.

Tentative plans are already underway for a similar get together in Fort Wayne, early in the summer of 2011, at the home of Ungie & Judy Mueller.  We'll keep y'all posted.  Come and join us.  You won't be sorry.